Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to release locking project ?

I'd found this error "ACCESS DENIED: Project currently locked. The project is currently locked by the Administrator. Try again later or see your administrator" and honestly speaking, it's very frustating and time consuming because I don't even know why it happened.

But there are some steps that might help you for solving this problems, there are:

  1. cd to $DSHOME (/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine in Linux or equivalent)
  2. Edit the uvconfig file and change the following settings: MFILES=64, T30FILE=512, GLTABSZ=100 and RLTABSZ=100
  3. Source dsenv if necessary (execute ". dsenv")
  4. Stop the DSEngine by executing "bin/uv -admin -stop"
  5. Apply the configuration changes by executing "bin/uvregen"
  6. Start the DSEngine by executing "bin/uv -admin -start"
Hope it helps